Elegant Bouquet


This set consist of 1pc x 18” Personalised Bubble Balloon & 2 x Chrome & Confetti Set Balloon Bouquets

One of our most popular set indeed where you get the best of both world! Having a mixture of Chrome balloons, Confetti balloons as well as standard ones in a bouquet make a beautiful combination. Having place them by the side of your personalised bubble is even perfect!

Make it unique and personal when you personalized your message on it, all our balloons are designed uniquely and with hearts and love! These personalized balloons can easily turn everywhere and anywhere into INSTA-Worthy spots, making it perfect for any occasions.

Personalised Wordings on Balloon

Your Party Color or Theme?

Add-on LED Light?

Add LED lights around balloon


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This set consist of 1pc x 18” Personalised Bubble Balloon & 2 x Chrome & Confetti Set Balloon Bouquets

One of our most popular set indeed where you get the best of both world! Having a mixture of Chrome balloons, Confetti balloons as well as standard ones in a bouquet make a beautiful combination. Having place them by the side of your personalised bubble is even perfect!

Make it unique and personal when you personalized your message on it, all our balloons are designed uniquely and with hearts and love! These personalized balloons can easily turn everywhere and anywhere into INSTA-Worthy spots, making it perfect for any occasions.

Additional information

Weight5 kg
Dimensions10 × 10 × 10 cm


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